Browsing All posts tagged under »prayer«

A prayer

April 16, 2008 by


I wrote this tonight, I have been going through a lot of stress lately and this is just my cry to God.

Prayer| Be Careful

November 27, 2007 by


There is a fine line that we walk in prayer.   On one side we need to not limit God’s power. If God is the God of creation and of salvation, then who are we to decide what God can and cannot do. So praying in vague generalities and only for things that are within […]

Prayer | Meeting with God

November 1, 2007 by


It’s sometimes a touchy subject, this whole prayer thing. What is it really? How do we do it? Is there a right time and place for it? So I am only going to speak to my own experiences and interactions. Tonight I had a very strong feeling as I sat on my couch, God wants […]